
I’m Akshita. Engineer, voracious reader, random-things writer, feminist, traveller. I blog about my love for writing, books and more. And maybe on the way, something I say will resonate with you.

27 thoughts on “About

  1. Thank you for the follow just now! I clicked over when I saw that you love books too, and I really like what you have written here. Our bylines sound very similar and I like and value a lot of the things you wrote on your list 🙂 Looking forward to getting to know you!


    • Wow! Ever since I started blogging, it has been my wish to have actual interactions and conversations. Looks like this will definitely be one of those times. 🙂 Glad that you stopped by!


  2. Pingback: Another Award? For Me? | Imperfectly Perfect

  3. Hi Akshita!
    I love so many things about you and your blog is so put together, your such an inspiration. As a fellow feminist, I’m emailing you to let you know my blogging friend, Annmarie, and I are launching a challenge in hopes that many people join along. I started up my small photo biz called Painted Eye Photography a few years back and have been really hesitant to jump right in because fully submerging myself, and taking this gamble with my career has scared me. Annmarie’s passion started as a hobby and now she’s working in the direction of starting her own business up as well. So while collaboration and helping each other out with blogging, photography, and business practice we have started a very unique friendship.
    Combing part of out business names together, “Swiftly Painted” was born! I have always been really interested in self-portrait photography, since my “365 days” self-portrait series, taken over the course at my senior year in college. Annmarie had a new found desire to tackle this after my monthly challenge this past month called “ Annette in August.” We decided to create a new challenge called “ The #SwiftlyPainted Self-Portrait Challenge.” This will entail a series of 13 self-portraits, taken every first of the month, for one year. There will also be a writing prompt included in every month’s description.
    We’re hoping that with this will get people on board with self-exploration, commitment, blogging regularly, and meeting more bloggers like us. So we want to extend the invite to you and ask you to embark on this blogging journey with us. We also wouldn’t mind if you spread the word to all your fellow blogger friends that you think might be interested, and or maybe even a shout out in your blog with a link to ours! We can’t wait to you !

    Best always, xo
    Jessica from http://www.theIRiSblog.com
    Annmarie from http://www.simply-swift.com

    *please visit our blogs for more information on us and our challenge at the URLs listed above next to our names !


    • Hello Jess! Thank you for the lovely comments. It’s wonderful that you’ve found a unique friendship that combines your work and passion. I’d be glad to help out. I’m not very comfortable posting my pictures, but I’m sure a lot of my fellow blogger friends would be willing to participate. It’s a great idea indeed! 🙂


  4. Pingback: The Sunshine Award – Take Two | love from tara

  5. Akshita, I’m really enjoying the eclectic feel of your blog! So many great pieces of work! Poetry, random musings, etc. are all very will written and thought provoking! You are a talent writer and I look forward to reading more! 🙂


  6. Wow what a super about page!! I also love reading, believe in equality, love collecting picture postcards and just discovered a name for it!, love traveling, have learnt classical music for 2 years, classical dance for 4 years, love old hindi songs and love your blog too!!!

    Thanks for the follow, that way I could find this amazing page!!! 🙂


  7. Discord or calm

    Are we in the land of discord or calm?
    What are the creatures behind my palm?
    what are the eyes in the wall?
    Tell me the reason for the fall.
    What is the congregation of voices saying?
    What foundation are the hands laying?
    What is the opposite of woeful pride?
    What is on the other side?


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